Top 3 Retail Tips For Your Box
Are you maximizing the retail opportunities at your CrossFit® Affiliate? Probably not, and we can relate. As Affiliate owners ourselves, for years we were making excuses. Such as, we're too busy, we don't have the space and then...where would we even begin?
Here are the top 3 tips we've learned through the years to maximize your retail revenue at your CrossFit®Affiliate:
1. Your Lobby is the way to go!
Whether your customer is coming or going, that is where you what to start. No matter your available space or the limitations, let's work with what you've got. Having your merchandise in a place that is accessible to your customers before and after their workout is crucial. Nobody is going to buy anything if they can't see it. Try different spots around your box and see what works best for you and your members!
2. Promote, promote, promote
Put your gear on your coaches during class, feature your latest design and stamp "Coach" on the back and send an email to your membership featuring your newest design. Do you sell supplements? If so who uses them and why? Discuss with your members why you carry what you carry. Don't just put things on the shelves and expect them to sell, inform your members, educate them and watch your retail sales climb!
3. Make your markup
For most items...mark it up 100%! For example, if you buy athletic tape for $1, sell it for $2 and help maintain a healthy bottom line. For Fully Amped apparel, 40% is your magic number, buy a t-shirt wholesale with no quantity minimum at $20 and sell for $28.
We encourage you to take these 3 simple steps and implement them immediately, just a little attention to retail at your Box can pay tremendous dividends. Owning a successful small business has enough challenges, let us help you maximize your retail revenue.
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